Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome
Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome

Normalizing The Imposter Syndrome
- 5. Climax
1. What is Imposter Symdrome?
"Imposter syndrome," or doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud at work.
- Harvard Business Review
2. The Hidden Imposter
Personally, I feel I am a self-confident guy. But recently, my hidden imposter struck me, just like many out there.
3. The Incident:
A week ago, I sealed an international content writing deal that skyrocketed my confidence in my abilities. The client/CEO of the firm informed me that they would mail me the details of the first project two days after our meeting.
Two days passed. Then three, then five. I followed up, as usual. No response.
4. Self Questioning Phase
Did I charge too high? Did the client find someone else better than me? Did they think I don't have what it takes to provide quality content?
These were some of the questions my mind started to throw at me. The hidden imposter in me made a grand appearance on stage.
I was badly seeking some inspiration to get my thoughts back on track.
5. Climax
Two days later, a notification popped up on my phone.
"Very sorry, Sidharth, I was down with fever for the past few days. I'm mailing you the work details today."
I told my imposter, "There's the door. Please clear yourself out."