How To Get Hired On Up Work
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How To Get Hired On Up Work
1. Perfect Your Profile
Successful profiles are 100% completed, detailed. They describe your services and accomplishments in a compelling way.
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2. Find Your Niche
When clients look at your past work history, they'll see how you can help them with their problem because you've already done it many times for other clients.
Explain how you'll provide value to the client. Instead of making your profile proposals and communication all about you, make it about them.
4. The Proof Is In The Portfolio
Use your portfolio as a showcase for your skills and expertise. Don't forget to pick portfolio pieces that reflect your niche and the jobs you want to get more of in 2022.
5. Build Relationships With Clients
For example, if you're a freelance writer that creates blog posts for clients, you could offer to write press releases or refresh website content.
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