7 Tips On Controlling Your Ego


7 Tips On Controlling Your Ego
7 Tips On Controlling Your Ego

7 Tips On Controlling Your Ego

1. You are not right all the time

Your ego is the source of a lot of conflict and disagreement. Because it wants you to be right, making other people wrong. 
Letting go of your need to be right is very powerful. Even letting people win, even when you know they are wrong. 
Is it a big issue? Will it matter in mins? No. Then back down and move on. 
If you are open to being wrong sometimes, you can flex your humility and grow; your ego no longer blocks your path. 

2. You are not your reputation or achievements

Hear me ou; it is impressive to have accomplishments, and it is crucial. 
But be greatfull for them. 
The less you need to take credit for your accomplishments or have people recognize them, the more you are free to achieve in life. 

3. Know when to stop.

The ego is never satisfied. No matter how much you achieve or acquire, your ego will want more. 
You'll find yourself in a perpetual state of striving and reaching for a new end goal, making it so you never truly arrive at any of your goals. 
The thing is, you've already arrived and succeeded. 

4. Don't be superior

Authentic leadership isn't about being better than someone else. It's about being better than you used to be. 
Stay focused on your growth, be humble, and helps others. 


The ego wants to control and micromanage everything. 
Epictetus quoted: There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." 
It sounds simple, but it is not easy. Your ego will always want to come first. You have to control it and become it's commander to succeed in life. 


Your ego loves to divide the world into winners and loserd, but this is not true. Because ultimately, winning is impossible all the time. Someone out there right now is faster, younger, healthier, and smarter than you. 
Does that make you a loser? of course not. 
So don't let your ego make you feel worthless or insignificant. Because you are not. 

7. Stop getting offended

The behavior of others isn't a reason to get upset. If you let things offend you it only weakness your energy. 
As Christopher Hitchens says,"Those who are determined to be offended will discover a provocation somewhere. 
Your ego is working to convince you that the world should be how you want it to be; this is stupid. Please stop it.